Patent Assist

Maximize Patent Success: How AI Can Transform Patentability Searches

Written by Team PatentAssist

Over the years, the Indian patent system has witnessed a significant increase in the number of patent applications, making it increasingly challenging for patent examiners to conduct comprehensive patentability searches. With the advent of artificial intelligence (AI), there is an opportunity to leverage this technology for the patent application process. In this blog post, we will discuss how AI can revolutionize patentability searches in India, leading to more efficient and successful patent applications.

The Benefits of AI in Patentability Searches

A patentability search refers to the process of investigating whether an invention meets the criteria for patentability, which includes novelty, inventiveness, and industrial applicability. Traditionally, patent agents conduct patentability searches manually, but this process can be time-consuming, expensive, and often yields incomplete results. AI can transform this process by providing increased accuracy, speed, and efficiency.

Identifying Relevant Prior Art

One of the most significant benefits of AI in patentability searches is its ability to analyze large datasets of prior art quickly. AI algorithms can sift through massive amounts of data in a fraction of the time it would take a human to complete the same task. Additionally, AI algorithms can analyze not only patent databases but also scientific journals, conference papers, and other literature that may contain relevant prior art.

Enhancing the Identification of Infringements

AI can also assist in identifying potential infringement issues that a traditional patentability search may not detect. AI algorithms can analyze a product's features and compare them to prior art to identify any potential infringements. This analysis can help patent agents draft stronger patent applications and increase the chances of obtaining a more robust patent.

Increasing Efficiency and Speed

By automating the patentability search process, AI technologies can increase efficiency and speed up the time it takes to conduct a patentability search. This increased efficiency can translate to patent applications being filed more quickly and more accurately, providing patent agents the benefit of having more time to focus on other critical aspects of the patent application process.

AI in Action: How It's Already Changing Patentability Searches in India

India's patent system has undergone several reforms over the past few years, including the introduction of AI technologies to streamline the patent application process. Currently, the Indian Patent Office (IPO) provides several AI-based services that patent agents can utilize in their patentability searches, such as searching for prior art and identifying related applications.

Additionally, the IPO offers an AI-based service called "Pre-grant Patent Publication (PGPP)," which offers an automated and timely publication of the patent application after 18 months from the date of filing. This service helps patent agents avoid the lengthy waiting time commonly associated with patent applications.

Another example of AI in action in India's patent system is the use of machine learning algorithms to analyze patent filings and provide insights into the patentability of a particular invention. These AI-based tools can provide predictive analytics to patent agents, including identifying which sections of a patent application are most likely to receive objections or rejections.


In conclusion, AI is transforming patentability searches, and its impact is being seen in the Indian patent system already. With its ability to analyze large datasets, identify potential infringements, and increase efficiency and speed, AI is revolutionizing the patent application process. By leveraging these technologies, patent agents can maximize their clients' patent success and ensure that the inventions they are protecting are adequately safeguarded.

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