Patent Assist

How uses AI for more in-depth and exploratory Invention Disclosure?

Mahish K. Guru

How uses AI for more in-depth and exploratory Invention Disclosure?

In the world of patent drafting, the foundation of a strong patent application begins with a thorough and detailed invention disclosure. Traditionally, this process has been both time-consuming and reliant on manual input from patent professionals and inventors. However, with the advent of AI-powered tools like, the landscape of patent drafting is undergoing a transformative shift.

The Traditional Approach to Invention Disclosure

In conventional patent drafting workflows, the invention disclosure phase has been approached in two primary ways:

  1. Detailed Disclosure Forms: Patent attorneys typically provide inventors with an invention disclosure form to fill out. This form is then meticulously reviewed by the attorney, who may follow up with the inventor to clarify any uncertainties or gather additional information about the novelty of the invention. Only after this comprehensive review and discussion does the patent professional begin drafting the patent application.
  2. Collaborative Brainstorming: In some cases, inventors provide a rough outline of their idea, often just a one- or two-page document. Here, the patent professional collaborates closely with the inventor to expand the scope, define the novelty, and ensure that all critical aspects of the invention are covered in the patent application.

Both approaches emphasize the importance of the invention disclosure phase, recognizing it as the most critical, manual, and time-intensive part of the patent drafting process.

The Introduction of AI in Patent Drafting

The integration of AI into patent drafting has simplified the process significantly. Automated patent drafting tools can now analyze key insights from an invention disclosure document and use these insights to generate initial drafts of claims or the patent specification. While this automation undeniably speeds up the process, it often lacks the nuanced control that is crucial in patent drafting.

Most AI-driven workflows cover only some aspects of the traditional methods. The lack of strategic control over the output can lead to gaps in the invention's coverage, potentially leaving critical elements unprotected and exposed to infringement.

How is Different distinguishes itself by combining the speed and efficiency of AI with the strategic oversight of human decision-making. Our tool leverages a fine-tuned AI model to automatically analyze invention disclosure forms and present key insights in a structured question-and-answer format. This approach allows users to review, edit, and modify the information according to their strategic needs before proceeding with the patent draft.

Our tool is designed to handle a wide range of input documents, from half-page invention summaries to 30-page design reports or research articles. It not only extracts the key features and novelties of the invention but also identifies and fills in knowledge gaps, providing a comprehensive and exploratory invention disclosure for the user to refine.

A Transparent and Controlled Workflow

At each stage of the automated invention disclosure process, ensures that users remain fully aware of the ongoing steps. For example, when uploading figures, drawings, or flow charts of the invention, users can label them with reference numerals of their choice. The tool automatically generates figure descriptions, but before finalizing the claims or patent specification, users have the opportunity to review and approve each description. This transparency allows both patent professionals and inventors to be actively involved in the invention disclosure process.

The Productivity Boost

By incorporating these differentiating features, guarantees a significant boost in patent drafting productivity—at least threefold. Our tool addresses the "Blank Slate" problem, a common psychological and economic challenge in patent drafting, by generating quick and accurate initial drafts seeded with essential ideas. This not only accelerates the drafting process but also facilitates a swift exploration of optimization opportunities within the patent application.

In summary, offers a revolutionary approach to patent drafting by merging the precision and speed of AI with the strategic control of human expertise. This ensures that every patent draft is not only comprehensive and accurate but also strategically sound, giving inventors and patent professionals alike the confidence that their innovations are well-protected.

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