Patent Assist

Patent Drafting using AI in 5 easy steps

Mahish K. Guru is an AI-powered patent drafting tool that streamlines the process of drafting a patent. The workflow is designed to triple the productivity or patent agents/ attorneys for patent drafting.

The workflow offers an automated method to convert your research articles, pitch decks, design reports, and other inventive documents into fully-fledged patent drafts. This process, done in techno-legal language, takes less than 15 minutes.

“AI can't generate creative strategies covering all angles, nor adopt an infringer's perspective while drafting Claims.”

“AI excels in research but won't replace patent agents and attorneys.”

These arguments often discourage leveraging AI in IP documentation. I agree that AI is far from replacing patent agents or attorneys, not because it can't, but because a knife cannot replace a sword. Ai will never replace patent agents/attorneys but can for sure help them.

How can GenAI be creative enough to preempt potential infringement while drafting patents? The same way humans do: using context and experience.

Humans achieve this through contextual comprehension of the invention and its domains. Patent agents, through extensive experience in drafting workflows, understand which areas need protection in claims. Engineering AI to emulate this requires imbuing it with sufficient context about the invention and related innovations, and providing historical data on the drafting process to replicate such strategies.

To harness the power of AI in patent drafting, breaks down the process into 5 easy steps. This approach takes advantage of the context of the invention and the experience of the patent agent drafting it:

  1. Invention Disclosure: Upload any inventive PDF and use AI to fill out a carefully designed Invention Disclosure Form. The user should then read the generated answers and check for accuracy and completeness to ensure the novelty of the disclosed invention.
  2. Figures/Drawings of the Invention: Upload, caption, and label the figures that visually explain the invention. Then, click on "Generate figure descriptions". This utilizes the context of the IDF and a multimodal AI to generate a figure description.
  3. Crafting Precise Claims: After the information in the IDF is complete, simply click on "Generate Claims". The information is automatically analyzed and processed to safeguard the invention from all possible angles. AI provides an initial claims draft, which the user can read, edit, and modify further.
  4. Generate Complete Specification: Once the claims are finalized, click on 'Generate figure descriptions'. The AI uses all the previous context to generate all the sections of the patent draft, including 'Summary of the Invention', 'Detailed Description of the Invention', and 'Abstract', among others. These are all drafted in a techno-legal language to provide support for the claims.
  5. Export Documents: In this final step, the finalized document can be exported in the finalized format of your filing office with one simple click, resulting in a DOC or PDF file, depending on your requirement.

Please watch this small video for a small overview of these 5 steps. Youtube Video.

Creativity often combines previously unconnected abstract concepts. Thus, the question isn't whether AI will match a patent agent's creativity and experience, but how we can leverage its current capabilities to augment human expertise.

There is an analogy in the realm of documentation and life in general, the pursuit of excellence is not merely about reaching local maximas, but transcending them to attain "The Global Maxima". Whether it be crafting a LinkedIn profile, drafting a research article, or writing your Master's/Phd thesis.

Although in drafting patent documentation, the stakes are high. These documents hold great significance as they directly impact the stock prices of companies, the trajectory of startups, and the market share of scale-ups.

In this race against time, one cannot afford lingering at local maximas. It is imperative to navigate swiftly around saddle points and ascend to "The Maxima." Computational sciences advocate for a method beyond determinism, one that embraces a seeded stochastic approach. It is this philosophy that underpins the ethos of

It solved the problem of “Blank Slate” which is both pychological and economical. It generates quick and accurate initial patent drafts that is seeded with all essential ideas, faciltates a swift exploration of patent drafting optimization space.

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